Music Hall pa2.2 Phono, A2D, & Headphone Preamplifier
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Product Highlights:
- Ultra-quiet MM/MC phono amp
- High-grade headphone amp
- High-resolution 2 input pre-amp (phono and line level)
- Record vinyl or any line level source to computer
- Adjustable MC gain stage
- USB digital output
- Apple Mac and Windows compatibility
- High-performance analog to digital converter
- Superior Wolfson WM8786 ADC
- Tenor TE7022 USB receiver
- Stereo or mono capability
- Phase/invert switch for perfect audio phase
- Fixed or variable line output capability
- High-quality 1/4” headphone output
- Gold-plated RCA inputs and outputs
- Smooth high-grade Alps “blue velvet” volume control
- Energy-efficient external switch mode power supply
Dimensions and Warranty:
- Dimensions: 6.3" x 2.0" x 6.7
- Weight: 2 lbs.
- Warranty: 1 year
Music Hall pa2.2 Phono, A2D, & Headphone Preamplifier

All About Music Hall pa2.2 Phono, A2D, & Headphone Preamplifier
Music Hall pa2.2 Phono, A2D, & Headphone Preamplifier Specs
Videos, Reviews, & Downloads
Music Hall pa2.2 Phono, A2D, & Headphone Preamplifier User Manual & Hi-Res Images