Music Hall c-dac15.3 CD Player & DAC
Product Highlights:
This product was discontinued Fall 2023
Product Highlights:
- 24bit/192kHz Burr-Brown PCM 1796 DAC
- Exceptional jitter suppressing Wolfson WM8805 s/pdif transceiver
- 3 digital inputs (optical, coax, USB-B)
- Brushed black aluminum faceplate
- Mid-ship mounted vibration-damped CD transport
- High-efficiency toroidal power transformer
- gold plated stereo output
- coax digital output
- plays CD, CD-R/RW
- removable power cord
- special padded vibration-damping feet
- voltage switchable
- system remote control
- easy to view display
Dimensions and Warranty:
- Dimensions: 16.9" x 13.2" x 3.1"
- Weight: 11 lbs
- Warranty: 1 year
Music Hall c-dac15.3 CD Player & DAC

All About Music Hall c-dac15.3 CD Player & DAC
Music Hall c-dac15.3 CD Player & DAC Specs
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Music Hall c-dac15.3 CD Player & DAC User Manual & Hi-Res Images