Music Hall ha25.3 Headphone Amplifier
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Product Highlights:
- Fully balanced headphone amplifier
- 2 x line-level inputs
- Tube pre-amp & solid-state amp hybrid design
- 2 x Philips JAN tubes, type 6112
- 3 x headphone outputs; 3.5 mm, ¼ in., and balanced XLR
- 2 x analog outputs; 1 pair RCA fixed, 1 pair RCA variable
- Differential tube input amplification stage
- Discrete output buffer
- High output power for the best sound experience
- Worldwide compatibility
Dimensions and Warranty:
- Dimensions: 6.7" x 6.5" 2.24"
- Weight: 1.7 lbs.
- Warranty: 1 year
Music Hall ha25.3 Headphone Amplifier

All About Music Hall ha25.3 Headphone Amplifier
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